Transform Your Workspace: Benefits of Using Rolling Ladders in the Office

May 6th 2024

Rolling office ladders uniquely transform the workplace. They add a sophisticated, convenient way to reach high shelves, maximize wall space, and save time. Our collection of rolling ladders gives you a variety of looks and hardware options to choose from. You can customize your Putnam office ladder to fit your workspace décor and design themes. Want to see what your office ladder would look like and get an instant estimate? Use our configurator design tool.

Reach High Shelves with a Workplace Ladder

The sophistication of a rolling office ladder enhances the vibe in open office designs, and it gives you a cool way to access high shelves in community spaces. Forget lugging folding ladders or step ladders back and forth to the utility closet. Simply climb on a sturdy Classic No. 1 to reach storage boxes or office supplies, then slide it out of the way and into its “stored” position until you need it again. A rolling ladder offers convenience and craftsmanship to elevate your office style.

Our noiseless Quiet Glide makes for an excellent rolling ladder for offices that rely on a quiet atmosphere for concentration. It’s also the best choice for offices that use frequently accessed high shelves to retrieve inventory, like marketing or printing businesses. With a Quiet Glide, you won’t have the repeated annoying noises of a clunky folding ladder in use or being skidded across the floor.

An Office Ladder Maximizes Wall Space

Wall space is often overlooked as valuable real estate for community workplaces and home offices. If you need more storage or display areas, a rolling work ladder and long shelves transform a blank wall into a visually appealing yet functional space. Imagine the ease and elegance of hopping on a rolling ladder to get your company’s tchotchkes, samples, regular inventory, or sale items for your customers. There’s both a nostalgic vibe to a rolling ladder in a workplace and a contemporary charm. Plus, it makes life a little easier for the people working in your business, too.

The rise of work-from-home has increased the interest in making the home office a more stylized space. If you’re looking at your bare walls and wondering how you could use them, consider the benefits of an office ladder. Mount floor-to-ceiling shelving, install a Putnam rolling ladder, and you have full up-and-down and side-to-side access to vertical space. Plus, you have a statement style piece in your home office. For a handsome wood look, go for our Classic No. 1, Quiet Glide, or Meadow Lane. If you prefer the clean lines of metal, we have the minimalist ALTA rolling ladder, too.

Boost Productivity with a Rolling Office Ladder

Let’s face it: it takes time to haul a ladder out of a closet, unfold it, use it, fold it back up, and put it away—especially if you use ladders frequently in your workplace. Cut that time to almost nothing with a rolling office ladder. If you’re currently using a folding ladder or stepladder to access inventory or high storage shelves, imagine how much easier it would be with a rolling ladder that slides effortlessly from one side of the shelves to the other. You can shift our ladders into a stored position, too, flush against the wall or shelves so they don’t take up floor space or create a tripping hazard.

Purchase Your Office Ladder from Putnam Rolling Ladders

We’re happy to help you get the exact rolling office ladder you need. If you want to talk to one of our ladder specialists for more information, book a time through our Talk to an Expert scheduling tool. You can also reach us through our customer service contact form or by phone at 262-375-7960, 8am-4:30pm CST. We look forward to hearing from you!